
Showing posts from 2016

Deacon Greg's Homily 11-13-16

Homily – November 13, 2016 (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time- C) In 1986, I was in my last year of college. It was three years before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Do you know about the Doomsday Clock? This is a PR tool that has been used since 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientist to warn the public about how close we are to destroying our world with dangerous technologies of our own making. Well the Doomsday Clock was set for three minutes to midnight... Midnight referring to the END TIME. It had been set there in 1984 as US/Soviet relations were at their coldest, and it stayed there until the 1988 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed, moving the clock back to six minutes to midnight. In the years to follow, things improved even more, and the clock was moved back as far as 17 minutes to midnight in 1991 when even deeper cuts were made to the nuclear arms arsenals of the world's super powers. Since then, we’ve endured the Gulf War, 9/11, the continuing struggle in Afg...

Deacon Greg's Homily 10-16-16

To borrow the phrase from our Pastor, "all are welcome!" But today, this includes the invitation that all are welcome to pray! The Opening Prayer at Mass this weekend asked that our will conform to God's will, which is probably a very good definition for prayer When it comes to matters of faith, (me being the most guilty) we make too many analogies, we summarize too much, and we over simplify at times. Our Faith is a real thing, and the faith that we profess is truly a living, breathing and growing reality in our lives. It’s not LIKE anything, it cannot be reduced to a few words, and it is certainly anything but simple. Our relationship with the God who loves us, and speaks to us, and guides us on this journey is one that demands our involvement. Faith is a life lived WITH and FOR the Lord, so that when He comes to greet us, that faith and our trust will truly be evident. Our Lord Cares In our first reading, Joshua and his army are sent forth by Moses to help continue to ...

Deacon Greg's Homily 9-11-16

Homily – September 11, 2016 (24th Sunday in Ordinary Time- C) Read Luke 15: 1-32 Once again, the bell tolled and the names were read... On September 11th, 2001, 19 self proclaimed militants hijacked four planes and carried out an organized attack on The World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC... A fourth plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field when it's passengers were able to divert and prevent the destruction of another target. Over 3000 people died on that morning, including over 400 police and firefighters responding to the attacks, sent in to search for the lost. It goes without saying that this one event has defined the world we live in. This one event has become evidence of the best and the worst humanity has to offer. This one event still challenges us to the core, to find meaning and purpose from such a terrible morning, fifteen years ago. Over 1100 families still have not found the remains of their loved ones. In a way, their search cont...

Deacon Greg's Homily 8-14-16

First, it needs to be said that Jesus endured the burden of the cross so that we might have everlasting life! Our salvation is freely given and never earned. Our opportunity is to receive this gift, and allow it to convert our lives, and our hearts to an openness to God's will. Today's readings continue a call for us all to become disciples, but be careful not to misunderstand the Truth. We are saved because God wills it so, and no amount of action or success on our part is needed for our salvation. It is because we are saved that gives us the opportunity to live life to the fullest. Speaking of living, whether you have actually returned to school or not, we are all caught up in the routine... We are all back to school, with the Summer behind us, even though there is still more than a month to go in the season. As we move into the Fall, let us take stock in this Summer's message... If you've been paying attention to Word this Summer, we have been reflecting on what...

Deacon Greg's Homily 7-31-16

Homily – July 31, 2016 (Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time- C) The stores are crazy this weekend! And next weekend, they’ll be just as crazy, as I believe it is a tax-free weekend. I must admit, that the joy and the pain of “back to school shopping” still remains burned in my brain! Having to try on clothes, decide on binder colors, agree to a notebook tab organizing philosophy that you will never use again… and of course, choosing the latest greatest lunch box! Yes, I had a tin Scooby-Doo lunch box… With the thermos that fit perfectly next to the PBJ Sandwich! Oh “vanity of vanities, all things are vanity!” Qoheleth (Ko-hel-eth), which is best translated to mean “preacher”, was not referring to back to school items when he uttered the infamous phrase, but it is a good spring board towards understanding our readings today, for let’s face it, we all remember the excitement of getting the coolest vest to wear over that amazing silk shirt, or the confidence of know...

Deacon Greg's Homily 6-12-16

Homily – June 12, 2016 (Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time- C) You may have noticed the decorations, pictures and the wonderful remnants of a great week of Vacation Bible School. 200 children, 100 youth volunteers and 50 adult volunteers gathered each morning last week to train in “Cathletics.” That’s right, our children were called to take the baton and be “Champions for Christ!” Vacation Bible School, through its worship, prayer, activities, and song spent the week sharing the tools that make our faith strong: The Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, all of which are displayed here and in the vestibule. Like the steps in a training program, to use these tools of our faith helps our hearts grow and echo the Greatest Commandment, and the source of all of our strength and purpose as the people of God. We must love the Lord our God, with all of our heart, mind and soul; and the love our neighbor as ourselves! Thanks to our Religious Ed. Staff of Kathleen B...