
Showing posts from January, 2022

Deacon Greg 1-30-22

The Sundays and weeks of Ordinary Time (Ordinary referring to Order [Ordo] and not the usual or mundane) are meant to take us through the life of Christ. It’s a time of conversion for us to live the life of Christ! · The First Sunday… Baptism - We Are Clean and Empowered · The Second Sunday… Wedding at Cana - Taking the Ordinary and making it Extraordinary · The Third Sunday…  The Beginning of Mission (Job Description) Bring Glad Tidings to the Poor Liberty to Captives Recovery of Sight to the Blind Let the Oppressed Go Free Proclaim a Year Acceptable to the Lord · Today… It’s About Love! Jeremiah: The word of the LORD came to me, saying: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you. · We Are Creatures of Love… Like we hear the Prophet Jeremiah proclaim… From the very beginning we were known by God and created in love to love and be loved! At our Baptism we were anointed Priest, Proph