
Showing posts from August, 2016

Deacon Greg's Homily 8-14-16

First, it needs to be said that Jesus endured the burden of the cross so that we might have everlasting life! Our salvation is freely given and never earned. Our opportunity is to receive this gift, and allow it to convert our lives, and our hearts to an openness to God's will. Today's readings continue a call for us all to become disciples, but be careful not to misunderstand the Truth. We are saved because God wills it so, and no amount of action or success on our part is needed for our salvation. It is because we are saved that gives us the opportunity to live life to the fullest. Speaking of living, whether you have actually returned to school or not, we are all caught up in the routine... We are all back to school, with the Summer behind us, even though there is still more than a month to go in the season. As we move into the Fall, let us take stock in this Summer's message... If you've been paying attention to Word this Summer, we have been reflecting on what...

Deacon Greg's Homily 7-31-16

Homily – July 31, 2016 (Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time- C) The stores are crazy this weekend! And next weekend, they’ll be just as crazy, as I believe it is a tax-free weekend. I must admit, that the joy and the pain of “back to school shopping” still remains burned in my brain! Having to try on clothes, decide on binder colors, agree to a notebook tab organizing philosophy that you will never use again… and of course, choosing the latest greatest lunch box! Yes, I had a tin Scooby-Doo lunch box… With the thermos that fit perfectly next to the PBJ Sandwich! Oh “vanity of vanities, all things are vanity!” Qoheleth (Ko-hel-eth), which is best translated to mean “preacher”, was not referring to back to school items when he uttered the infamous phrase, but it is a good spring board towards understanding our readings today, for let’s face it, we all remember the excitement of getting the coolest vest to wear over that amazing silk shirt, or the confidence of know...