
Showing posts from September, 2017

Deacon Greg's Homily 9-10-17

September 11th (16 Years - Monday) Remembrance of such milestones are crucial to healing and growth  We develop phrases like 9/11 and name storms like Andrew, Fredrick, Donna, Hazel, Camille, Katrina, Harvey, and now Irma because in a weird way, we need them to be personal so as to never forget!  But let’s not forget the nameless tragedies like the wildfires out west, earthquakes, tornados, and other natural disasters.  God doesn’t send natural disasters or use unspeakable tragedies to teach us a lesson! The lessons learned from such random events are seen in our readiness to RESPOND with faith, a faith that is shared and expressed in loving and genuine ways. Last weekend's and today's second collection is the least we can do to simply show our love and support for VICTIMS of flooding and monstrous high winds! Another thing we can do is lift them all up in prayer, so let us pray together in this moment of silence… THANK YOU. Lydia’s Serenity Prayer: Lord, I'm not...