Deacon Greg's Homily 4-29-18
Homily – April 29, 2018 (Fifth Sunday Easter - B) Well... The new Avengers movie is out, and like the 18 before it, its a movie packed with subtle clues as to what’s really going on with the Batman and all the gang. What... Batman is not an Avenger? I guess I’ve got a few movies to watch or comic books to read, don’t I? Anyway, I think it’s fair to say that there's a certain fascination in our story-telling with ongoing trilogies and subtle back stories. Movies that revolve around cracking that secret code, or figuring out the mysterious riddle of it all, sometimes also have shifty and powerful entities spending a lot of time hiding various treasures, so that when they are discovered, they offer cryptic clues that are to be deciphered and put together, under a special light of course, revealing the fantastic truths and messages, that when viewed in a mirror, would spell out secret phrases like, "purple elephants do indeed fly south for the winter," sending us of...