
Showing posts from June, 2018

Deacon Greg's Homily 7-1-18

Last month I offered that Summer was a time for us to learn about Discipleship, and to consider accepting the challenge to do what Jesus would do, and a regular basis, each day of our lives. While it’s fair to agree that this challenge might be very difficult, demanding a lot of life-changing effort and prayer; I’d like to propose that the things we do on a regular basis can indeed be what Jesus needs it to be, without much effort at all… An openness and a willingness to simply ask seem to be the key ingredients that today’s readings offer. I’m certainly guilty of overthinking things from time to time, and quite frankly I’ll admit to presenting the Gospel in quite the dramatic fashion. But today, I should just allow the obvious to make the point. In today’s second reading, St. Paul reminds the Corinthians and us that we already “know the gracious act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, for [our] sake he became poor, so that by his poverty [we] might become rich. Not t...

Deacon Greg’s Homily 6-10-18

The Purpose of a Summer Vacation (not just for students) is to close out the good (or bad) year... It’s all behind you. Relax, recharge and re-focus. And with respect to Church and the Word here at Mass, continue to study Discipleship. That is, we need to pay attention to the words and actions of The Master each week, because as a disciple, we really do need to do what Jesus does... I guess we can change the bracelet to read DWJD. Anyway, bear with me... The other day, and this won’t surprise many of you, I had a thought about just how simple life can be. Take the microwave oven, the car, and the Internet for example… You push the button or turn the key, and IT JUST WORKS! Now I understand that a lot of complicated parts and processes need to be in place and working, in order to make this happen, but if you’re like me, I choose to humbly accept all of it with thanksgiving and simply benefit from its reality! I also know that we owe a great debt to the Lord in creating the live...