
Showing posts from September, 2018

Deacon Greg's Homily 9-30-18

Good thing Jesus wasn't literal… or was he? We are all sinners, a Church full of cripples…  That’s one major reason why we come: Sick people need a physician. If we’re learning anything from the recent abuse crisis… We’re seeing that some of the Church’s Leadership i's very responsible because of their actions and inaction, and they need to follow the advice of the Gospel, for there is a need of some major, and even radical changes, which includes REMOVING certain parts that negatively effect the overall body! If we’ve learned anything from this past week in our world… It seems 100% certain that Sin and the effects of sinful action do not disappear with time. And it would seem that one should attempt to better themselves to avoid sin in the first place, or at least deal with it sooner rather than later, beginning with reconciliation and repentance. Finally, if we’re listening to the message of today’s Word… we hear that the Spirit can come down upon ALL, and doing the...

Deacon Greg’s Homily 9-9-18

The first reading from the Prophet Isaiah provides a perfect summary statement, especially as he utilizes an Old Testament Prophet rule stating that when you begin a statement with the phrase, “Thus says the Lord,” everyone is supposed to listen! “Thus says the LORD: Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God, he comes with vindication; with divine recompense he comes to save you. ” Apparently, it’s Birthday weekend. On September 8th, the Church celebrated the birthday of the Blessed Mother. That same day, I had the pleasure of joining family as we gathered to celebrate my wife Karen’s Grandmother’s 95th Birthday, and later that night, I joined together with friends to celebrate the 50th Birthday of a dear friend! Wow… Where does the time go? Twenty-one years ago today, my wife Karen and I were up this way with our two-year old daughter Michelle celebrating my Dad’s 59th Birthday. Michelle picked out the perfect Mickey Mouse candle for the...

Deacon Greg’s Homily 9-3-18 (Labor Day)

A Forward... Today's Mass combined the Feast of Pope St. Gregory the Great and the celebration of Labor Day in our nation.  We look to the purpose and blessing of the work of the People of God, called to be disciples for the Lord.  For what it's worth, Pope St. Gregory the Great was the first add the title of "servant" to the Papacy and the Clergy.  Please allow yourself to apply these talking points to not only the work we are called to do, but also the work of the Church-at-large, especially as it faces its next, and most crucial challenge to respond to the Lord's call for purification and renewal. The Scripture references are taken from the readings at today's Mass , as well as some of the readings called for in the celebration of the Mass for Human Labor WE WERE MADE TO WORK! (Genesis 2: 15) The Lord God took the man, and put him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it. God gave US the Church to cultivate and grow! WE FOLLOW IN THE STEP...