Deacon Greg's Homily 9-30-18
Good thing Jesus wasn't literal… or was he? We are all sinners, a Church full of cripples… That’s one major reason why we come: Sick people need a physician. If we’re learning anything from the recent abuse crisis… We’re seeing that some of the Church’s Leadership i's very responsible because of their actions and inaction, and they need to follow the advice of the Gospel, for there is a need of some major, and even radical changes, which includes REMOVING certain parts that negatively effect the overall body! If we’ve learned anything from this past week in our world… It seems 100% certain that Sin and the effects of sinful action do not disappear with time. And it would seem that one should attempt to better themselves to avoid sin in the first place, or at least deal with it sooner rather than later, beginning with reconciliation and repentance. Finally, if we’re listening to the message of today’s Word… we hear that the Spirit can come down upon ALL, and doing the...