Deacon Greg's Homily 4-28-19
Let us begin with a prayer... Lord Jesus, we trust in you, as you are our giver of mercy and our font of life. Loving Lord, continue to be our healer, our teacher, our Savior and our friend... Lord Jesus, we trust in you. May all that we are remain in your hands! AMEN* Easter Sunday Morning… Greeting: Mary saw the risen Lord and told the Apostles God’s Action: RESURRECTION! Mary Magdeline: Tell the Apostles the Good News Reaction: Disbelief - Peter and a few ran to the Tomb to SEE Later That Same Day… Greeting: The Doors Were Locked: Jesus Came and Stood in Their Midst (Peace Be With You!) God’s Action: Jesus Breathed on Them (Receive the Holy Spirit - Christ’s Divine Mercy instituting the Sacrament of Reconciliation) Reaction: “We’ve seen the Lord!” Thomas: “Unless I See… I Will Not Believe!” A Week Later… Greeting: The Doors Were Locked: Jesus Came and Stood in Their Midst (Peace Be With You!) Jesus' Action: Touch & Believe Thoma...