Deacon Greg's Homily 8-18-19
I can’t help but begin with a heartfelt thanks to Fr. Bryan, Deacons Dan, Darrell and Kevin, my fellow Staff Members, and you all for the amazing level of prayers and support during my absence this Summer. I had my right hip replaced back in early May, and was surprised by an unexpected revisit to the hospital between Father’s Day and and July 4th to deal with a bout of some infection. While I’m a month behind where I’d like to be in my physical therapy, I am progressing nice and slow towards what I hope to be a level of physical independence and continued good health! If you know me, you know that I love my music! And being a brat of the early 80’s, I have to make the connection with today’s Psalm and the Super Music Group U2. In my later days of high school, they released a song simply entitled “40.” The lyrics of the song, while a different translation, are the very same as today’s Responsorial Psalm, Psalm 40. And while I might be the only one with the tune in my head, the s...