Deacon Greg's Homily 5-14-17

Note: Dan and I agreed that while preaching about Mother's Day was not the purpose of this particular Homily, it was appropriate and fun to cryptically include something about "M.O.M."  Look for it below!

This Mother's Day offers a unique opportunity to celebrate with something more than flowers, or breakfast in bed, for yesterday marked the 100th Anniversary of the First Apparition of the Blessed Mother to three young children near Fatima. Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta were entrusted with a series of messages that were meant to challenge godless ways, during a time when the world was being torn apart by war and sin.

Yesterday, Pope Francis canonized two of the three seers of Fatima. Saints Francisco and Jacinta. His homily included a wonderful declaration, that is quite fitting for today… “We have a Mother. Clinging to her like children, we live in the hope that rests on Jesus.” But he also stressed the very sobering reality that still challenges our world today, when he said, “Our Lady foretold, and warned us about, a way of life that is godless and indeed profanes God in his creatures. Such a life – frequently proposed and imposed – risks leading to hell. Mary came to remind us that God’s light dwells within us and protects us.”

Mourning into Morning: In our readings today, we see that God’s light conquers sin and death, and the mourning and sorrow that goes with it, revealing instead a new dawn of a new day, just like that first Easter morning.

Today’s Gospel, for instance, begins with a reassurance from Jesus: “Do not let your hearts be troubled…” I have assisted in the planning of many funerals here at the parish, and this Gospel is a very popular choice when it comes to celebrating the life of a loved one. Whether its a family grieving, or the Apostles themselves, fearful of the unsure outcome of their journey, Christ greets them with the love of God and the confidence of faith.

Thomas and Phillip do, however, speak honestly, and almost on our behalf, when they admit to not knowing the way, nor being able to connect it all together. To this, Jesus identifies himself to Thomas as the Way, the truth and the life, and reminds Phillip that the “Father who dwells in me is doing his works.” The WAY of Christ begins with the promise that he leads us all through the resurrection! God’s light dwells within each of us and calls us to not only walk on the Way, but also serve others. In the first reading from Acts, we see the need for us to accept the call from the Church to help prepare this Eucharistic table and assure that the poor receive what they need, making Christ’s WAY and the Good News accessible to all!

Interestingly enough, 100 years ago, the first apparition to Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta began with a greeting similar to that of our Lord, as Mary said, “Please don't be afraid of me…” The children who saw her surrounded by light, were reintroduced to something that they were already familiar with in their young lives... The Way of Jesus Christ. They immediately trusted, followed and shared in that Way, as the messages of Fatima asked them to choose and share the peace of the Way of Christ verses the godless way of sin and war.

Obstacles into Opportunity: So like them, we too are asked to pray for peace and for the salvation of souls, especially those lost in sin. As she said to them, “You will have a great deal to suffer, but the grace of God will be with you and will strengthen you," reminding us that the Way is not an easy one, nor is it about making us happy and care-free, for when we include others on The Way, we are asked to accept the responsibility for their well-being. We are called to sacrifice! In the second reading, Peter described the Gentile Christians as knowing persecution, and overcoming its obstacle by serving as a priestly people, whose vocation is to spread the Word of God!

Like those before us, we can expect rejection, and the challenge that comes with sacrifice, but God’s light gives us the strength to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities to follow a better way of life and know a deeper sense of truth. When Jesus says that he is the Truth, he does so in the love of God the Father, and he shares it through the power of the Holy Spirit, for Christ knows our humanity, and he knows our our ability to overcome setbacks, and to learn and grow towards the TRUTH! Jesus invites us as disciples to imitate him, and remain in his word so that we might know the truth and it might set us free! As he stood before Pontius Pilate, Jesus said, “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” The truth of which Jesus speaks comes from taking him in, through his Word, his Body and Blood, and in our prayers, so that we can hear his voice, be nourished by his food, and listen to him in our prayers!

Me into Mission: Finally, Jesus is the life! In the very first chapter, John’s Gospel describes Jesus as the source of life. In the 6th chapter, Jesus himself says that he is the bread of life, and later on in the 11th chapter, the resurrection and the life! The life Christ offers us is nourishment for our present and everlasting journey with him. The second reading reminds us that our mission is to build “spiritual houses,” made of stone, that is, many of us combined together to be Church, the people of God! We live, worship and work together so that the Church, both here and in our homes, remains a "dwelling place of God forever!”

The LIFE that Christ brings, gives us to a life that moves us away from self, and into the lives of others. I would offer that this is what we celebrate when we call to mind our Mother! We are called not as individuals, but as a people, and God’s light illuminates a path that enlightens our mission to serve.

I think if we are to embrace a life in Christ, following his Way and learning from his truth, we could begin by listening to our Mother… 100 years ago, Lucia, St. Francisco and St. Jacinta ended their first apparition with a request from the Blessed Mother: “Say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and an end to the war.”

With wars still being fought, and tensions still on the rise, I would offer that we're still in need of these prayers, as godless ways are still around, and the Good News of Jesus Christ will always be the Way, the truth and the life! So do not let your hearts be troubled...

It's a new Morning, and an Opportunity to continue this Mission of loving and serving others, helping those who are poor receive what they need!


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