Deacon Greg's Homily 1-14-18

Last week I went to Chicago to participate in a leadership summit sponsored by FOCUS, The Fellowship of Catholic University Students, and while there’s so much I can share, I’d like to open up the most crucial part of the week for myself… The question, as I read it on the workshop handout Wednesday morning, stated, “Which category would you place yourself in?” The choices were simple: Jesus is NOT part of my life, Jesus is PART of my life, Jesus is the CENTER of my life. Now my response, like I imagine yours might be, gave me pause… “Oh no… Is HE? Is he the CENTER of my life?” Honestly my friends, that question is what we all grapple with at every step of our journey. So, like you, I asked myself how? How can I make Jesus more central in my daily life?

Start by reflecting on your own life’s story, because God works through each of us, and the thing we know best is how He’s done (or not) that in our daily lives. Ultimately, it is through the sharing of this story that other may understand the love of God.

Pray daily, and know your story… In today’s Gospel, the question of those seeking Christ was very personal… Jesus asks, “What are you looking for?” I’ve always felt confident that the Lord has been a part of my life, walking with me and playing a role with every major decision, so I went into the New Year praying that the Lord would allow me to consider some new opportunities to be a part of his plan, only to hear him call, saying “Greg, can you just place me at the center of all that you do?”

Read Scripture daily, and take time to look at your story through the lens of the Gospel! One of the conference presenters asked that we read the Gospel of John, chapter 15, and so I did. This Gospel speaks of vines and branches, friendship and relationship, and the effect of our sharing the Good News. Jesus says in verse 16, “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.” With respect to my own story, this speaks volumes, for as I walked around the conference, I met many old colleagues from my youth ministry days of yesteryear, and better still, I even saw a handful of youth from those days, all grown up and leading the way in ministries of their own. So before I beat myself up for feeling like I’ve not had Jesus at the center, the Gospel reassures me that God has truly had a use for me and has heard my prayers over these years.

Finally,… CAN YOU TAKE THINGS TO THE NEXT LEVEL? For me, I’d like to say that I am in the midst of taking discipleship to another level, so Let me encourage you begin to share your story with others, making sure to at least try to emulate our Patron John the Baptist in today’s Gospel as he points to Christ! The quote that’s on the front wall out by Hughes Road: “Behold, the Lamb of God!”

Since the beginning of time, God’s call as resulted in life’s creation as he called upon the waters, helping heaven meet the earth. He spoke to Adam and gave him Eve. He spoke to Noah with a rainbow in the sky. He called Moses to take His name and His law, guiding us all to the freedom of a promised land. But I’m sure this sounds a tad too lofty, and biblical to apply.

The backdrop of today’s first reading from the Book of Samuel, is the story of a mother named Hannah, who desperately wanted a child. She prayed, and begged, and waited for God to respond to her prayer, and she promised that if he would comply, she would dedicate him to the Lord God... Samuel is the answer to her prayers. So like with Hannah, God’s call might have come, or will be coming after long periods of prayer, loneliness, dryness or barrenness…

Samuel was raised and prepared for the moment we read about in today’s Word. His innocence leads to his youthful misunderstanding that it must have been his elder Eli calling, but how many times have we realized, that after a few tries, and some guidance on the part of those teachers in our life, it was God was calling, not our parents or friends. It was God speaking directly to us in the ordinary moment, simply trying to get our attention, to ask something extraordinary of us... That is, to take thing to the next level!

In this case, it’s a tad entertaining to read a little further in today’s reading. After Eli’s help, Samuel answers as instructed, “Speak Lord for your servant is listening.” God proceeds to tell Samuel to let his teacher Eli know that he and his family are getting it wrong, and quite frankly God is a tad angry and ready to take action upon them all. An important lesson here is that you DON’T CONFUSE CALL WITH CONVERSION, OR THE BEGINNING OF YOUR FAITH... THE JOYFUL REALIZATION OF YOUR BEING LOVED BY GOD IS ONE THING... THIS CALL TO WORK IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT REALITY. God calls us to work and to bring challenging change to our world. Interestingly enough, Samuel would go on to be the Prophet who would anoint King Saul and King David... The house that would bring Jesus into our midst. Don’t tell me God’s answer to our prayers don’t have long lasting effects... Hannah prays, Samuel answers, David is anointed, and God sends his only Son so that we might have eternal life!

AT ADVENT: WE HEARD THE PROMISE OF THE COMING LORD: Mary and Joseph heard a call, and said YES!

AT CHRISTMAS: WE GREET JESUS AND HAVE COME TO ADORE HIM: The Shepherd were told by the Angels, and they made their way to the Stable!

AT EPIPHANY: YOU’RE ASKED TO GO HOME BY ANOTHER WAY: The Magi were given a star, and they followed, and they were warned in a dream of Herod’s scheme, and heeded the call to do things differently.





The Psalmist heard God’s call as he was ready to wait… “I have waited, waited for the LORD, and he stooped toward me and heard my cry. And he put a new song into my mouth, a hymn to our God.” Are you OK with waiting?

The Corinthians heard the challenging call to a.m.,end their ways, as Paul reminded them of their holiness, and the truth that the Lord has freed them from sinfulness… Are you up for the challenge to change your ways?

The Disciples heard and saw the call after coming to Christ with an open heart, willing to be taught… Are ready to learn about the ways you can continue to point to Christ in the telling of your story?

And finally, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., heard a call, and had the courage to live and even die so that a dream might be made real... Are you prepared to take things to the next level?

This is our faith, and we are proud to act up on it, following the will of the Lord... But be assured that we’re all qualified to be disciples...

Be called where you are, and in the context of who you are at this moment…
Not based on who you used to be, nor who you think you’re supposed to be
The past is gone and the future is still in God’s hands!

So let us simply pray this day... “Here I am Lord!”


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