Deacon Greg 3-15-20

Two Words… Well, actually one word: Coronavirus

Planning & Preparation
Most have followed all of the recommendations along the way, and have prepared themselves for all that is now upon us… Honestly, looking at the pictures of empty shelving in the stores, some of have prepared a little too well!

In our Lenten Journey, we too have established a plan of what we’re going to do, or sacrifice as we prepare for Easter, but deeper than that, we’ve been Baptized! All that we need to plan, prepare and live have been set into motion by the Lord, our parents, and our community, bringing us up in the faith, ready to live each day to the fullest with this life giving water available to all, and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit raining down on us from the above.

Prevention & Practical Common Sense
While the virus is here, we’re continuing to be reminded of the basic and common sense steps that we can all follow to help keep our neighbors safe and healthy.

In our faith life, living each day to the fullest requires practical cooperation and agreeing on those basic principles of faith as we are called to love our neighbor as we would want to be loved ourselves. This Greatest Commandment, to love God and one another, is evidence of our common sense, and our innate ability to be a part of the solutions of each day!

Prayer & Healing
In a special way, the events of these past days reminds us of the many, many people who struggle with illness each and every day, doing their best to follow prescribed steps to help them get better. We pray for God’s healing touch to be on these courageous people every day of every week and on the doctors, nurses, and all care-givers that seek to help them.

In today’s Gospel we are introduced to a woman who embodies all of us, as she seeks a way to live the best she can, with what she’s got, understanding why she is the way she is, fully recognizing her flaws, and the way she’s perceived by the people around her. Little did she know, and nor do we know, just how much is in store for us who dare to visit this well today.

The Gospel
First, let me highlight Samaria… Jesus passed through Samaria on his way to Jerusalem. Everyone knows that it’s the most direct route. One problem though, nobody at that time wanted to go to Samaria or have anything to do with Samaritans, so the usual route evolved to avoid Samaria, even though it made for a longer trip, it just seemed best to avoid those people all together…

Next, let’s identify the woman for who who she really is, in her own words… “How can you, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink? For the people use nothing in common with Samaritans.” And to add to this, Jesus also knows that she has had five husbands. By the way, to those of you women here that are remarried, the remarriage thing is not the point of concern. This is the way of underlining what the world and the community at the time had perceived as making her “unclean” and untouchable.

This is why the “Noon hour” is so significant. Nobody goes to the well in the heat of the day, so she was able to get her water without having to get too close to people. She’s just trying to avoid trouble. Yet, there’s Jesus waiting for her, ready to share something so much more amazing than a cup of water!

This woman was deemed unclean...
What are they saying about us?

Jesus knew the details...
What part of what they say is actually true?

She Comes to Believe...
Starting with our Baptism, so have we!

She is Jesus’ First Effective Disciple (Taking the Good News back to the Town)...
Can we do the same when we return to school or work, even if you're being asked to do so remotely?

The Promise
The promise of all of the latest stuff going on around us seems to be that if we follow some basic rules, and work together… Yes, sharing a roll of toilet paper… we will get through this!


After all, it’s like kicking a rock, and water flowing out... It sounds crazy, but our God is ready to do amazing things with us! Stay happy, healthy and sane... AND WASH YOUR HANDS!


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