Deacon Greg 5-15-22


The good news of Easter, that we’re currently following in our readings, is that the resurrected Christ has dwelt among us!

Since his appearance in saying “Peace be with you” to the Apostles and Thomas in the Upper Room, to him being on the shore asking the same apostles to throw the net and catch more fish, to his probing question to Peter and us, “Do you love me,” and his call for us to feed the lambs, and tend and feed the sheep, all while following him… The Good Shepherd, up to today’s Gospel which should have sounded familiar!

First, let’s agree that, as we heard in our second reading, “God’s dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will always be with them as their God.” This reading is also commonly used at funerals, especially this time of year, as we heard the reassurance that he will also “wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, for the old order has passed away… and Behold, he makes all things new.”

Maybe you’re familiar with the phrase, “with God all things are possible.” Or maybe like Thomas, Peter and the Apostles, you need a couple of reminders to make sure you truly understand that this IS the Lord God, and that He indeed has something for us to do!

This is why we hear Christ say in today’s Gospel, “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him… My children, I will be with you only a little while longer. I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” If this sounds familiar, you heard this on Holy Thursday, and every time you reflect on “The Washing of the Feet,” when Jesus showed his disciples HOW to serve in advance of his Passion, death and resurrection.

With our Lord present and dwelling among us, helping us to prepare to LIVE OUT the Good News, he walks with us in a spirit of peace, and calls us to follow him in feeding and attending to one another with love in our hearts. After all, we may also be familiar with the verse… “Love is patient, love is kind.” While we’re at it, we also know that love is there to forgive and to endure, even though things might seem to crumble around us, love remains, and love IS God!

So the overwhelming theme today is LOVE, as with it all things become new, and because of it we too can love one another as we’ve been asked to do. So…

Since this past Holy Thursday… 
How many feet have you washed?

Since Easter Sunday… 
How have you brought peace to the world, or how have you fed or attended to those who are in need?

With Christ in our midst… 
Are you wondering what we’re specifically supposed to do?

Did you hear the first reading, and how excited the Apostles were in starting out the Church?
Here’s our clue!
  • They proclaimed the good news!
  • They strengthen spirits!
  • They underwent many hardships!
  • They prayed and fasted!
  • They called the church together!
  • They open doors of faith!
*Love one another, as I have loved you…
Care for each other… (As I have cared for you.)
Bear each other’s burdens… (As I have taken yours upon my shoulders.)
Bind each other’s wounds… (As I have healed you.)

*Based on lyrics from the song Love One Another by Bob Dufford, SJ (OCP)


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